Weekend Project


You may have seen the controversial viral video where an employee complains about being faulted for arriving late for work, claiming to have a condition called "time blindness". For the sake of a silly project on a boring day, let's suspend disbelief, deconstruct the problem, and see if it can inspire a creative solution.

"I keep embarrassing myself."


"Because I'm late for work."


"Because I have a weak sense of time and lose track easily."


"Because I haven't practiced estimating time enough."

Let's spot the disconnect in this process, challenge assumptions, and seek variables:

Why must you be late for work in order to practice being on time?

This question inspired the mini web tool below. You can use the tool to practice estimating time elapsed to develop a better sense of time. Also, a chime sounds every half hour. You can use this as a cue to take a brain break to ground yourself, get hydrated, do a few exercises, etc.

I would like to add a gamified high score tracker or multi-turn accuracy graph to evaluate efficacy and improve user experience of this mini web tool.

Does your underdeveloped sense of time keep making you late? Don't learn through embarrassment. Improve your sense of time virtually with TimelySim!